Certified Collectibles Group (CCG), renowned for its CGC grading services, has made a notable move in the collectibles market by acquiring James Spence Authentication (JSA), a key figure in autograph authentication. This acquisition is expected to revolutionize the authentication, grading, and encapsulation of autographed collectibles, merging the expertise of top professionals in the field.
Established in 2005 by autograph enthusiast James Spence, Jr., James Spence Authentication has built a strong reputation for autograph verification, certifying millions of signatures and curating an extensive database of nearly one million autograph images. Following this acquisition, James Spence and James Spence III will continue to lead JSA’s operations, with co-owner Mark Pepitone taking on a senior advisory role, contributing his wealth of experience to the partnership.
CCG, under the Blackstone portfolio since 2021, strategically acquired JSA to meet the increasing demand from collectors for a comprehensive service encompassing authentication, grading, and encapsulation of autographed items. While CCG had previously offered authentication through its Signature Series, it had not provided a full-fledged authentication and grading service for autographs, a gap that JSA is set to fill.
The merger between CCG and JSA is viewed as a game-changer in the collectibles realm, combining JSA’s renowned authentication expertise with CCG’s grading and encapsulation services to enhance the offerings available to collectors of sports memorabilia, autographs, and various collectibles.
Commencing in April, collectors will enjoy a unified submission process for JSA and CCG services, simplifying the authentication, grading, and encapsulation of signed collectibles. With both companies promising further service enhancements and announcements in the near future, collectors can anticipate a wave of innovative developments on the horizon.
James Spence, Jr., and Mark Pepitone have shared their excitement about the acquisition, seeing it as a natural progression for JSA and an opportunity for CCG to bring fresh innovation to autograph authentication and collecting. While JSA and CCG will operate independently initially to focus on aligning their services, the long-term vision is to offer a comprehensive and efficient service that reshapes the authentication and grading landscape for collectors and dealers alike.